Red RF routes
Route 224B
Page last updated 27 December 2014
One of the Uxbridge routes serving West Drayton that, like the
224, featured RFs twice in its history,
for two different reasons - first the low bridge at West Drayton,
then later when converted to OMO.
The deserted terminus at
Stockley Park on 1 December 1976, 10 days before the end of RF
Dates of RF
1 Jul 59 to 8 May 62
16 Jan 71 to 11 Dec 76
(total 8 years 9 months, of which 2
years 10 months crew operation).
RF Garages
UX Uxbridge

Reason for single-deck
The low rail bridges at Yiewsley and West Drayton Station
restricted routes through Cowley to single-deck. In
1961, the road at West Drayton was lowered (allowing the
double-deck 223 to be extended southward,
replacing the 222. Soon afterwards,
the layout at Yiewsley was changed (we don't know how, but the
railway didn't close until 1964). The 224 was not double-decked until 1963,
although 224A and
224 B were converted a year earlier. 224 and
224 B reverted to single-deck in 1971 for OMO
The final batch of RFs converted for one-man
operation were known as the 'Uxbridge' RFs and were distinguished
by single glass panel in each door, rather than the two-part on
earlier conversions and green buses. The effect is shown by
RF409 blinded for the 224B at Uxbridge. The
picture was taken after the 98 had converted to SMS operation at
the start of 1973.
Photo: Peter Gomm collection
Route history
The third member of the 224 group was
the Mon-Sat 14T12-operated 224B, introduced in January
1957. On Monday to Friday it comprised the previous West
Drayton short workings of the 224A extended and on Saturday
half of the 224A service re-routed. On
introduction, it diverged at West Drayton via Porters Way to
serve the newly expanded Stockley Estate (housing, not
industrial), terminating at Mulberry Parade. Destination
blinds described this rather unusually as 'Stockley Estate West

November 1958 brought the withdrawal of the Ts and conversion to
TD. In September 1960, a barrier to double-deck operation was
removed when the road under the bridge at West Drayton
was rebuilt. While the road was closed, RFs on the
222 provided the service through Cowley
and the 224 group operated only southwards from West Drayton
Warwick Road.
Despite the lack of 'Pay as
you Enter' signage and the old-format blinds, it appears that this
picture of scruffy RF384 was taken in late 1976, the only period
that the bus was allocated to UX.
Photo © Paul Davis, Ian
Armstrong collection
A second low bridge in Yiewsley was altered shortly
after, allowing the 224A , 224B and 224C to be converted to RT on 9 May
1962 (although the long 224 was not double-decked for another
year). During the period of closure at West Drayton and from
March 1961 until the end of RT operation, the route was operated
using the 224A allocation. There followed a period
of stability on the 224 group for the rest of the
Wholesale change came on 16 Jan 71. The headline news was
the return of the RFs, this time one-man operated. In
addition, the 224A to West Drayton Mill Lane
was withdrawn and was partly replaced by a rerouting in West
Drayton of the 224B to Stockley Estate.
Partial replacement of RFs by SMSs
started at the end of June 1973. As well as
full conversion of the 204, the Sunday
service on the 223 and the Saturday
service on the 224B were converted. Both the
latter were enhanced to double-deck with DMSs in April
The end came for the RFs in December 1976, when the 223 and
224B went to DMS and the 224 to SMS.
Sunday working was introduced in April 1978 and the route was
renumbered 224 on 31 Mar 79. After a period of operation by
various types including Metrobuses and Nationals, the 224 was
replaced in May 1989 by the 223 and U5.
On the last day of RF
operation at Uxbridge, RF427 stands at the bus station awaiting
another departure to Stockley Estate, surrounded by the types that
would replace it.
Photo © John Parkin
RF route in detail, with timing points
UXBRIDGE STATION, Belmont Road, High Street Uxbridge, Vine
Street (return via Windsor Street), Cowley Road, High Street
Cowley, Cowley Station
Road, High Street Cowley, High Road Cowley, High
Street Yiewsley, Station Approach, West Drayton Station, Station
Approach, Station Road, Porters Way, STOCKLEY ESTATE
Mulberry Parade (1959-1962, Mon-Sat)
UXBRIDGE STATION, Belmont Road, High Street Uxbridge,
Harefield Road, Oxford Road, Trumpers Way (northbound), Cross
Street (southbound) (rerouted from 1962 routing on 19 Aug 73),
Cowley Road, High Street Cowley, Cowley Station Road, High Street
Cowley, High Road Cowley, High Street Yiewsley, Station
Approach, West Drayton
Station, Station Approach, Station Road, Swan Road,
Church Road, Station Road, Porters Way, STOCKLEY ESTATE
Mulberry Parade (1971-1976, Mon-Sat)
Terminal working at STOCKLEY ESTATE: from Mulberry Parade
stand, turn via triangle at Mulberry Crescent.
Year |
Mon-Fri |
Sat |
Sun |
1959 |
48-60 mins |
30-60 mins |
- |
1964 |
60 mins |
20 mins |
- |
1969 |
60 mins * |
30 mins * |
- |
1971 |
30 mins |
30 mins |
- |
1976 |
30 mins |
30 mins |
- |
* more frequent Uxbridge - West Drayton
A 1965 faretable for the route (then RT-operated) is
1961 bus map © London
RF allocation
PVR 1959 (Jul): Mon-Fri 1, Sat 2, Sun -
PVR 1959 (Nov): worked from 224A allocation
PVR 1960 (Sep): Mon-Fri 1, Sat 2, Sun -
PVR 1961 (Mar): worked from 224A allocation
PVR 1971 (Jan): Mon-Fri 2, Sat 2, Sun -
PVR 1971 (Dec): Mon-Fri 2 (+1 from 204), Sat 2,
Sun -
PVR 1973 (Jan): Mon-Fri 2 (+1 from 223), Sat 3,
Sun -
PVR 1973 (Jun): Mon-Fri 2 (+1 from 223), Sat 3 SMS,
Sun -
PVR 1976 (Apr): Mon-Fri 2 (+1 from 223), Sat 3 DMS,
Sun -
1972 bus map © London
Transport, showing the loop to cover part of the 224A (in reality, covering less than
half the distance to the Anglers Retreat)